MY SPY: David Kim – Ken Jeong – Screen Worn Baumler Suit Shirt & Tie

MY SPY: David Kim Ken Jeong Screen Worn Baumler Suit Shirt & Tie

This is David Kim’s (Ken Jeong) Screen Worn Wardrobe Set.


MY SPY: David Kim (Ken Jeong) Screen Worn Baumler Suit Shirt & Tie

This is David Kim’s (Ken Jeong) Screen Worn Wardrobe Set.
Change 6, Scene 128

Item: Single-Breasted Suit, Long Sleeve, Button-Front Shirt & Tie.
Suit: Baumler, Size 36s / 33×27, Wool, Grey
Tie: Banana Republic, Silk
Shirt: Harry Rosen, 15R, Cotton, Blue

These items are from STX Entertainment and includes an Official Studio Certificate of Authenticity.
These items are part of our personal collection and not for sale at this time.
If you are interested in them, make us an offer and we’ll consider it.
