Heartbreakers wants to be a distaff variation of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,
compensating for lack of intelligence with ample cleavage provided by
Sigourney Weaver and (especially) Jennifer Love Hewitt. This alone should
draw plenty of drooling guys who will enjoy the scenery and affirm the movie’s
depiction of men as lecherous idiots. And what scenery it is! Gussied up in
trampy glamour, Weaver and Hewitt play mom-and-daughter drifters with
a devious routine: Max (Weaver) lures wealthy cads into marriage, and then
daughter Page (Hewitt) seduces them, so Mom can discover the infidelity
and fleece the chump in divorce court. They’ve just scammed the boss of a
hot-car ring (Ray Liotta) and now it’s on to Palm Beach, Florida, where
they’ll dupe a wheezing tobacco baron (Gene Hackman) and retire to the
good life. Or so they think…
Here we have 3 cartons of Illchester cigarettes from the hit
Jennifer Love Hewitt comedy, Heartbreakers.
These boxes were used by Max Conners (Sigourney Weaver)
to set-up William B. Tensy’s (Gene Hackman’s) hotel
housekeeping maid (Patricia Belcher) and get her arrested.
The boxes are filled with Styrofoam.
These items comes with the original Legends in Time COA.